keeping the garden in check

Food Gardens

Whether if it's raised beds, a hobby, or a handful of acres, we want to build the garden you have always wanted.

Why Food Gardens?

We believe that more people growing their own food provides security and healthier nutrition.

Healthier Nutrition

When comparing food options, many of us ask, "Why is this so expensive?" but when it comes to what we put in our bodies, we should ask, "Why is this so cheap?" It may come as a surprise to hear that herbicides and pesticides used on commercially mass-produced crops that are banned in most first-world counties. Most Americans are eating food that could have serious consequences after long-term exposure.

Additionally, studies from multiple sources, like Mayo Clinic, have found that organic produce is higher in nutrition.

It makes you question why you haven't done this before! Food and Flower wants to help you get started immediately!

Soil Testing

We recommend a soil test and site assessment before designing or amending gardens. Contact us today!

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Contact us today to start
your dream garden.
